We are a network of 26 independent physical therapy practices with 38 convenient locations throughout 28 towns in Maine from Bangor to York.
We are committed to providing
Unsurpassed Quality, Unparalleled Expertise!

Research shows early referral to a physical therapist after an injury results in much less cost and reduces the need for expensive diagnostic tests. You don’t have to have a physician referral to see a physical therapist in Maine. Why waste your time trying addictive pain medications that only mask your pain? See a physical therapist who will get to the source of your musculoskeletal problem and treat you with highly skilled, hand-on treatment techniques.
Clinic Locations by Town
Whether you need an exercise program for a specific medical problem, want to improve sports performance and prevent injury or just want to get fit, NEPPN physical therapists are experts at prescribing exercise programs that specifically address your needs. We evaluate your muscle imbalances, strength deficits, aerobic capacity, balance, coordination and motor control to establish a customized program that meets your goals.

Find a NEPPN Physical Therapist Near You
Did you know . . .
- Hospital-based PT services cost 2-4x more than a private practice!
- If your physician is employed by a hospital (most physicians in Maine are), your physician may automatically send you to the hospital’s PT service
- Therefore, if you want to got to a lower cost, high quality private practitioner, you may have to ask your physician to allow you to choose where you go for PT
Bring your referral to a NEPPN member clinic. We’ll take good care of you at a much lower cost!

How to choose a physical therapist
For Patients/Clients
Find a NEPPN Member Clinic near you for cost-effective, high quality services.
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For Employers
Learn how NEPPN Member Clinics can help you manage work-related injuries and keep your workers healthy.
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For Referral Sources
NEPPN Members provide evidence-based care and will work with you to get the best outcome for your patients
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